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Our own story related to TAKEFU
Lessons in Mindful Living: Inspiration from a Customer
vol.7 TAKEFU supporter S
今回はスタッフではなく、TAKEFUをご利用頂いているお客様のインタビューです。 TAKEFUをとても愛してくださっているというSさん。 私も何度かTAKEFUの直営店“eau”でお会いしましたが、いつも本当にお綺麗で、笑顔で優しく、かつ自然体でお話してくださいますし、その全てに上品さが漂っています。 Sさんがいらっしゃるとホッと安心し、なおかつトキメキもいただける、そんな不思議な魅力の理由を探るべく、お話させていただきました。
This time, instead of interviewing a staff member, we are interviewing a customer who uses TAKEFU.S-san, who truly loves TAKEFU. I've met her several times at TAKEFU's directly managed store "eau", and she is always genuinely beautiful, smiling, kind, and natural when she talks, with an aura of elegance permeating everything.
When Ms. S is present, I feel a sense of relief and also an excitement, a mysterious charm. To uncover the reason behind this enchanting aura, I asked her to share her story.
"How did you come to encounter TAKEFU?-
S: "The catalyst was a co-op called "Living Club Co-op", which sets stricter standards for additives and chemical components. Originally, my mother used to participate in it, and when I started using it while raising my kids, I found "TAKEFU" in the catalog. I've always loved plants, so the idea of fabric made from bamboo was shocking to me. I quickly bought leggings, masks, traditional Japanese fabric, underwear, and T-shirts. Then, I think it was in November 2021 when I participated in a meeting. The person who opened it happened to be an acquaintance of mine, and she invited me, saying 'If you like TAKEFU, you should definitely come'. The story of TAKEFU I heard from the president there was quite a shock. I was captivated. I mean, isn't TAKEFU amazing? I wonder why nobody noticed it until now. When you know the energy, the struggles, and the story put into the process of turning it into a product, rather than just using the finished product... it touches your heart."
The story... the story of how the president discovered the greatness of TAKEFU and started the company, right?-
S: "Yes. I also heard from the president that when he first discovered TAKEFU, he had a period of self-destruction, and it made me realize that energy really is born from those low moments. As I get older, I feel a lot of sympathy for that. All those thoughts become products, and they are also kind to both people and the planet, aren't they? They return to the earth. It's unbelievable that they turn into soil in just two or three months if you bury them! It's truly amazing, it's all good, I think that's all there is to it."

"Is there any particular product from TAKEFU that you especially like?”
S: "Hmm... all of them! It's hard to rank them! I've been using various things, and in just the past year, I've accumulated seven SHOP point cards (laughs). Actually, I've been living with an immune system disease for two years. I met the president around the time I became sick and learned how important it is to keep the body warm. I take great care in keeping warm, believing it's a destiny that led me to this encounter. Right now, I'm wearing a TAKEFU belly band, and I'm wearing yak socks over five-toe socks, and leggings."
"You're really keeping warm! I couldn't tell because your silhouette is so sleek.
※On this day, S-san was casually dressed in a single shirt dress
S: "I'm also wearing a soft-fit inner layer underneath. Because TAKEFU is warm, I can dress lightly. Also, because it has a story, just wearing it makes you feel gentle, doesn't it? Of course, it depends on the person. I often send Japanese cloth and masks to my friends, and even if I passionately explain the touch and antibacterial properties while enclosing a catalog, some people just casually accept it. But my mother, who raised me, became captivated by it, and now she says she doesn't need anything other than TAKEFU."

"You mentioned that your mother was part of the Seikatsu Club Co-op, which introduced you to TAKEFU. Have you always been in an environment where you were careful about things that are good for your body from a young age?"
S: "Absolutely. My brother had heart surgery, and I had a constitution prone to colds, so when we had to be careful, my mother, who loves natural things and plants, naturally leaned towards harnessing the power of plants. It's not that we absolutely won't consume additives!! (laughs) We eat junk food too, but in a natural way. Perhaps we are sensitive to what is in season and what the body needs? When you get sick, you can hear your body's voice even more clearly. For example, when I used the Soifu (a type of fabric) slowket (slow blanket), I felt what my body was asking for. There's a saying, 'good medicine tastes bitter,' but in this case, the good medicine is gentle, delicious, and irresistible! It's kind of like that."
"I had the image that you were always cheerful, but you've had your share of hardships too."
S: "I look energetic, don't I? (laughs) I've had surgery, and I have a disease that makes me prone to catching colds, so I do have to be careful. But as a child, I was so tomboyish that I was always nursing some wounds. I used to climb telegraph poles and walk from rooftop to rooftop, even jumping off from the second floor. So, I love and am compatible with the smell of soil and leaves. I was a wild child (laughs)."

普段は本当に大らかに接してくださるSさんなので、持病などの不安を抱えていらっしゃることには全く気づきませんでした。 それでも明るさも笑顔も嘘だとは感じられず、心や五感をフルに動かして、様々なことを感じながら好きなものを選び、自由に生きていらっしゃる姿には憧れを抱きます。 TAKEFUを好きになったきっかけから、風邪を治す方法まで、Sさんが仰ることには心が動いた確かな理由と、体が喜んでいる実感があり、しっかりとした温度を感じます。 Sさんの温かさはモノや趣味に対しても表れていました。
"I see! So that's why natural things are "good medicine" for your body. Have there been any changes since you started using TAKEFU?"
S: "My body temperature has increased. I measure it every morning, and it's always around 36.5 degrees Celsius. That may have boosted my immunity. At the end of last year, I got a fever. At that time, I put on TAKEFU products all over my body and slept, and it healed! I hadn't been vaccinated, but there were no after-effects. I wore a knee supporter from my ankle, was wrapped in Soifu and a sheet, and when I broke into a sweat, my nearly 40-degree fever dropped immediately. I stopped the medicine because I had a drug eruption."
"What do you mean by drug eruption?"
S: "I was prescribed a foreign-made medicine for COVID-19, but it didn't seem to suit my body, and as soon as I took it, I broke out in a rash. I guess being a nature-loving person, natural healing seemed to suit me (laughs). I wore TAKEFU, took vitamins, consumed salt and water - this for two days. Then I was able to detoxify incredibly. Fever is a message that the body wants to detoxify! So, I don't resist it."
I never realized that S-san, who always interacts with us in such a generous manner, was dealing with concerns such as chronic illness.
Yet, I never feel that her brightness and smile are false, and I admire her for fully utilizing her heart and senses, choosing what she likes while feeling various things, and living freely.
From the reason she fell in love with TAKEFU to how she cures a cold, everything S-san says has a definite reason that moves her heart and a real sense of joy in her body, and I can feel a firm warmth.
S-san's warmth was also evident in her approach to objects and hobbies.

S: "Being in contact with TAKEFU makes me want to be mindful of my lifestyle. I'm on my third body towel (baby soft). In the past, I received some TAKEFU gauze as a souvenir for accumulating points, and I combined about three of them and hand-sewed something like a baby soft. I liked it so much that I now purchase them. When my Japanese cloth gets worn out, I sew it onto the part of my futon cover that touches my face, and if it still gets holes, I cut it with a pair of scissors, saying 'thank you' and leave it in the kitchen to use for wiping off pot oil."
"Wow, you really use them carefully."
S: "But you know, it's something I really enjoy doing. I know that TAKEFU is something that the president created, and the staff all thought hard about the product and delivered it. Because it was created in this way, I can cherish it. Isn't the vice president also a very talented person? With the president, they make a good combo, I guess it's thanks to him. The staff working here are all wonderful, aren't they? I'm happy that they write messages in the instruction manuals. The existence of the storytelling event was also significant. I think it takes a lot of time to do grassroots activities without advertising. It takes time, but I think that's the best. Because there's no vested interest, you can proceed as you think."

ー S「それがね、やっぱり持って生まれた骨格とかもあって、難しいこともありますよ。ただ、来年還暦なんですけど、ジャンプするとか回るとか、よく私こんなことできるなとも思います。継続してきたからかな。お稽古してると、体のどこが悪いか分かるんです。だからバーに足が乗らなくなって体中が痛くなった時があって、筋痛症っていう病気だったんですけど、それでもお稽古行ったんです。「先生、できなくていいから通わせてください」って。スタジオの気が凄く良いし、居たかった。バレエって踊るだけじゃなくて、協調性とか忍耐とか礼儀とか、そういうものを含めてのレッスンなので、思うように稽古ができなくてもスタジオに行くことには意味がある。そうやって25年続けたっていうのはいいことだったなと思います。いつもウェルカムだけど厳しいスタジオで、やっぱり叱られるわけですよ。「今飛ばなくていつ飛ぶのー!」とか言って。凄い体育会系の中で、体を動かして体を知って、心のバランスを取るのはすごく良いと実感があります。だから、TAKEFUのレオタードがあったら凄く嬉しいな。今も稽古の時は和布を首に巻いています。」
S: "I've been doing classical ballet for a long time. I was recommended by a ballerina in my neighborhood, and when I went to try it out, the teacher said, 'Bravo!' (laughs) I've been doing it for about 25 years now since I was encouraged to start. Even during work and raising children, I practice ballet two or three times a week. If there's an accident like an injury or hospitalization, I'll take a break, but otherwise, I always go. I'm surprised myself that it's been 25 years."
"It's really wonderful to continue doing one thing for so long. You must have improved a lot."
S: "Well, there's the matter of the frame you're born with, so there are difficulties. However, I'll be 60 next year, and I'm surprised that I can still do jumps and turns. I wonder if it's because I've continued. When I practice, I can tell what's wrong with my body. So there was a time when I couldn't get my foot on the bar and my whole body hurt, and it turned out to be a disease called myalgia, but I still went to practice. I told the teacher, 'Let me come even if I can't do it.' The energy in the studio is amazing, and I wanted to be there. Ballet lessons include not just dancing, but also cooperation, patience, manners, and so on, so there's a purpose in going to the studio even if you can't practice as you'd like. I think it was a good thing that I continued for 25 years like that. It's always a welcoming but strict studio, so of course, I get scolded. They'll say things like 'If you're not going to jump now, when are you going to jump?' In such a sporty environment, moving your body, getting to know your body, and maintaining the balance of your mind, I feel it's very good. So, I would be really happy if there was a TAKEFU leotard. I still wear Japanese cloth around my neck when I practice."

"Ballet often requires you to wear a leotard..."
S: "That's right. When ballet is over and I'm relaxing, I immediately warm up my whole body with a belly warmer and leg warmers!"
"You really pay attention to what's good for your body and your mind in your life."
S: "Yes, having a disease has made me even more sensitive. After turning 50, I thought that if I lived carelessly, I would hate looking in the mirror. Fortunately, I have ballet practice where I can look at my whole body, facial expressions, and inner self in the mirror. It's a precious time when I can ask myself how I'm doing each time."
"Living positively like that is connected to your shining aura, isn't it?"
S: "But, I'm careful not to overdo it. I overdid it until my 40s. I had a lot of ambition, thinking I could do anything with my willpower! But from my 50s, there were more things that disappointed me, like, 'Oh, I was like this,' and I also broke my health. Now I have a good balance, and even though I'm turning 60 next year, I'm as healthy as I've ever been!"
"People reading this will also be able to have hope. I felt that living healthily and beautifully can start at any age."
S: "But one of the reasons for my health is TAKEFU, so I'm really grateful. I encountered TAKEFU half a year after getting sick, and I met the president and came to like TAKEFU even more, and that's when a lot of products came out, right? It's a connection, isn't it?"

"Finally, do you have any expectations for the future of TAKEFU?"
S: "I'm hoping that they can expand into areas other than clothing, in the 'Living' part of 'Clothing, Food, and Living'. For example, cushion covers or curtains. Since it deodorizes, it would be great, wouldn't it? And they are things that can't be washed very frequently. And perhaps blinds like non-woven fabrics. Or types of lighting covered with paper. A friend of mine has wallpaper made of coral powder, and it's enviable because it can absorb the energy of coral. So I would be happy if I could live in a house made of TAKEFU, and I think it has a lot of potential and expands dreams! It's more like, what's going to happen? Recently, it seems that the goodness of TAKEFU has been scientifically proven in clinical studies, so I truly think that it's the era of bamboo now! If I were younger, I would have wanted to be an employee (laughs)."
今回のインタビューで、私は希望を頂きました。 病気を持ってしまったり、年を重ねたり、事実だけを並べればできることが制限されるかもしれないと感じるような状況だったとしても、自分の行いや心持ちによってはそれまで以上に輝いて生きることができるのだと。 希望であると同時に、全てはその時の自分次第だと、身が引き締まる思いです。 Sさんの言葉には、他の誰かの影響を感じません。 全てに確固たる実感と、“心が動かされた”という情熱が感じられます。 深く愛し、継続することで得られるものがあることも学びました。 もちろん、日々お辛いこともあるでしょうが、それでも「今が一番元気」と仰る言葉に嘘を感じないのは、五感が喜ぶ生活を送っていらっしゃるからなのかなとも感じます。 一時期、“ていねいな暮らし”というスローライフが話題になりましたが、インタビュー中、何度もその言葉が頭に浮かびました。 でもそれはSNSでそのような暮らしを送っている人の外側をなぞるムーブメントの一環ではありません。 心を動かして、他の誰でもない、自分自身の実感や情熱を持って生きることが、本物の“ていねいな暮らし”なのかもしれないと感じます。
In this interview, I received hope. Even if the circumstances are such that you might feel that your abilities are limited by just listing the facts, such as having a disease or aging, you can live more brilliantly than ever before, depending on your actions and feelings.
At the same time as being hope, it's a sobering thought that everything depends on you at that moment. I don't feel the influence of anyone else in S's words. I can feel a firm realization in everything and a passion that "my heart was moved." I also learned that there are things to be gained by deeply loving and continuing.
Of course, there must be difficult times every day, but I don't feel any lies in the words "I'm the healthiest now," and I wonder if it's because she is living a life that pleases her senses.
At one point, "mindful living," or slow life, was a topic of discussion, and the phrase came to mind many times during the interview. But it's not part of the movement that traces the exterior of people who live such a life on social media. Living with a moved heart, with the realization and passion of no one else but yourself, may be the true "mindful living."

ナファ生活研究所直営店 Shop of TAKEFU "eau" 勤務。趣味は宝塚観劇、旅行、食事、ラジオなど。 好きな季節は夏。最近は友達とマーダーミステリーというゲームをやる時間が楽しい。
Interviewer Mi
Born in 1992. Works at the TAKEFU shop "eau". Hobbies include watching Takarazuka Revue shows, traveling, and dining out. Recently, enjoy time playing a game called "Murder Mystery" among friends. Favorite TAKEFU products include Soft Fit Inner, Spats, and Bath Towels.
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