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Our own story related to TAKEFU

Clothing, Food, and Shelter

vol.3 Staff H

いつも美味しそうなランチを食べている Hさん。







H-san always eats delicious-looking lunches. She is well-versed in the recommendations of food trucks that come near our company, and I also go to buy lunch based on her recommendations.

H-san's recommended food is always delicious, and I have a great deal of trust in her recommendations! (lol)

Food is an essential part of living, and through H-san's thoughts and values about food, I have been able to see what is truly important.































"You mentioned that you love food and have been particular about what you eat since childhood because your mother used to cook with pesticide-free vegetables and non-over-washed eggs sent by your grandparents who were farmers. Did you eat fast food or anything like that?"

H: "Well, I did go with friends sometimes and didn't hate the taste, but it wasn't a habit for my family. Thanks to my mother, I naturally developed a habit of caring about what I eat. However, I never really thought about clothing because I believed that what I put into my body was more directly related to my health. So, until I became a university student or a working adult, I didn't think that what I wear could be connected to my health or well-being."


"It's true that we often don't think about clothing until we experience skin troubles or other issues. Before I started working at TAKEFU, I also never really considered the act of 'wearing clothes'."

H: "I used to love eating since I was a child. My mother was very particular about what I ate, and since my grandparents were farmers, she would use the organic vegetables they sent and the uncleaned eggs to cook for me.

"Did you never eat fast food or anything like that?"

H: "Well, I did go with friends sometimes and I didn't hate the taste, but it wasn't a habit for my family to go. Thanks to my mother, I naturally developed a habit of being conscious about what I ate. However, I never really thought about what I wore because I believed that what I put in my mouth directly affected my health. So, until I became a college student and then a working adult, I didn't really think that what I wore could also affect my health."


"You only pay attention to clothes when you have skin trouble, right? I didn't think about 'wearing clothes' until I started working at TAKEFU."

H: "I used to think that I just wanted to wear something fashionable. But when I became a working adult and started doing office work on the computer or commuting for long periods on trains, I started experiencing shoulder pain and headaches. When the pain became unbearable, I would take medication, but I didn't want to get into the habit of taking pills. So, I was struggling with the pain while trying to find a way to avoid it. That's when I found out that wearing a turtleneck made my neck feel uncomfortable."

"Can you tell me about a time when you noticed that what you wear can affect your physical well-being?"

H: For me, when I wear something tight around my neck or head, it can lead to neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and headaches. I realized this tendency especially when I am tired. So, when I feel like my head is heavy and about to ache, I choose comfortable clothing and remove my piercings and glasses to release the pressure. After this experience, I became more conscious of choosing clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in. While my parents had helped me develop good eating habits, I learned on my own the importance of wearing comfortable clothes for my physical well-being.













-そんな Hさんが"食"で1番大事にしていることは何ですか? 














One of my favorite stories that I heard from H is that her family eats her mother's homemade dishes with so much relish that her mother always makes plenty of main dishes. One night they had pasta, meatloaf, and all sorts of other delicious things. I think enjoying what we eat is not only important for our physical health, but also for our mental well-being. Eating is something we do from the day we are born until the day we die, so what we consume can have a huge impact on our lives. 

H: "I agree, it's really important to enjoy what we eat. When I was in elementary school, I loved lunchtime when we all sat together and ate our school-provided meals. My school had one of only four large ovens in the city, so we had unique dishes like pizza toast that weren't served at other schools. I looked forward to seeing the menu every day and made sure to eat everything on my plate. I think what we've experienced with food and how we've interacted with it is also important. Our nutrition teacher carefully planned our menus and the cafeteria staff prepared everything from scratch in big pots from early morning. Walking by the cafeteria, you could smell the delicious aroma of the food cooking. It's a happy memory from my childhood."

-What is the most important thing for you when it comes to food? 

H "To eat what I want to eat at that time. I also want to consider the safety of food, or rather, the process of how it is made. I think this was influenced by the fact that I was in an environment where I could see the people who actually prepared the school lunches, but I think what triggered me to think about it more was the BSE (mad cow disease) problem that became a social issue when I was in elementary school. It was said that the cause of the spread of the disease was that feed made from the brains and spinal cords of BSE-infected cows was fed to other cows. It was a great shock to me as a child to think that people would do such a terrible thing if they fed cows to cows and only prioritized cost. At that time, I began to feel that I needed to think about more than just my own health, and that the process of making and raising something was also very important. I think this is true not only when it comes to food, but also when it comes to choosing what to wear, and I want to make my choices with as much consideration as possible for what kind of thoughts and feelings are behind the products. We live in an information-oriented society with the Internet and social networking services, and we can easily obtain a variety of information. Although we are sometimes tossed about by fake news, it is a good opportunity to think about each and every issue, and I think we should live our lives with our antennae up. Even if it's not a big social issue, I think we need to think about it as an issue within ourselves."


Hさんのお話を聞いていくうちに、 Hさんの食に対する価値観や考えが、他の問題を考える上で繋がっているような気がしました。"食"で大事にしている部分は"衣"でも大事にしているHさん。"衣"について伺います。 




H「TAKEFUを知ったきっかけが友人に紹介してもらって、当時代々木にあったShop of TAKEFU "eau"で初めてTAKEFU商品を手に取りました。














― Hさんが心地よく暮らす秘訣を教えてください。 







As I continued to listen to  H's stories, I felt that her values and thoughts about food were connected to how she considers other aspects of life. What she values in "food" is also important to her in "clothing." I asked H about her thoughts on clothing.

"Can you tell us about your favorite product from TAKEFU?"

H: "I first discovered TAKEFU through a friend who recommended it to me. I went to Shop of eau in Yoyogi and picked up a pair of relaxation pants. I've been using them as pajamas regardless of the season for about 7-8 years now. Although they are no longer available for purchase, the loose and comfortable fit has made them a favorite of mine. I also use the arm and leg warmers since I tend to get cold easily. I wear them to cover the gap between my leggings and socks to keep my ankles warm. They are easy to put on and take off, and I always carry them with me during the winter months."

"TAKEFU's products are delicate, but due to the antibacterial and deodorizing properties of bamboo, they require fewer washes and last longer. Customers often comment on how comfortable the clothes are and how they cannot bear to part with them. The longer they wear them, the more comfortable they become, which is one of the unique features of TAKEFU's clothing. Moving on to the topic of 'living', can you tell us the secret to living comfortably?"

H: "Eating delicious food and doing things you love."

As the saying goes, everything is interconnected when it comes to clothing, food, and living. It's a simple idea, but one that we tend to forget amidst the chaos of our daily lives. However, through my interview with H, I could sense a strong sense of purpose within their gentle demeanor. Their words served as a reminder that taking care of oneself through the basics of clothing, food, and living can be key to living a more fulfilling life.


1993年生まれ。ナファ生活研究所直営店 Shop of TAKEFU "eau" 勤務。 



Interviewer Tamanegi(Onion)
Born in 1993. works at the Shop of TAKEFU "eau".

Motto is "It won't kill me." Hobbies include watching stage performances and visiting shaved ice shops. Has a strong curiosity.  Favorite TAKEFU items are spats and the Soft Fit Haramaki.

'Bamboo Is The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Material'

竹から生まれたやさしい繊維 TAKEFU

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