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Our own story related to TAKEFU


Standing By You

vol.14 Staff F


This time, I had the opportunity to interview F san, one of the few male employees at TAKEFU. Known for his calm and efficient work style, F san is always there to kindly support us with anything we don't know how to handle. It's rare to have a deep conversation with him, so I was looking forward to uncovering the side of him we don't usually see!






















— How long have you been working at TAKEFU?

F: "I think it's been about 7 or 8 years."

— How did you come across TAKEFU?

F: "My previous job was as a programmer. After quitting, I had a period of drifting and did various part-time jobs. One of them was working in the TAKEFU warehouse."

—So that's how the connection started. What was your impression when you saw the TAKEFU job listing?

F: "A friend introduced me to TAKEFU."

—When you were introduced to TAKEFU, were you like, 'What is this?'

F: "Yes, exactly. I started working without any prior knowledge of TAKEFU. Unlike everyone else, I didn't know and love TAKEFU before joining the company (laughs)."

Even among shop staff, there are some who didn't know about TAKEFU before they started working here. I was one of them. Before joining TAKEFU, my lifestyle was the complete opposite of what TAKEFU represents.

F: "Initially, I worked in the warehouse, so I didn't have the opportunity to interact with the actual products like everyone else. They were all packaged, so I only knew about them through the catalog."

Didn’t you ever think of buying and trying them out yourself (laughs)?" F: "Not really, because I wasn't interested in that sort of thing (laughs).


Being a programmer seems like a world away from TAKEFU. What made you start using TAKEFU products? 


F: "I don’t have many of their clothing items, but I do use their towels. Everyone recommended using them as pillowcases, so I started doing that. I still find them very comfortable and continue to use them regularly."














The other day, when my body became stiff and tense, M-san, you gave me a brief massage, and it really helped. So, that's why it worked! Could you tell us how you first encountered TAKEFU?

M: "A friend of mine, who is a fan of TAKEFU, introduced me to it. I wanted to use TAKEFU for my chiropractic treatments, so I purchased it. One day, my heart chakra (an energy point in yoga) suddenly started to move and I felt very unsettled. I didn't know how to deal with it, and I usually don't take medicine. At that time, all I had was TAKEFU. I thought I'd try sleeping wrapped in TAKEFU, and when I slept with the towel blanket and shawl, I felt completely normal the next day. I was astonished. After such an experience, I naturally talked about TAKEFU. I wanted to thank the company, so I messaged President Soda on Facebook. Later, I had the opportunity to meet President Aida directly at a gathering in Hokkaido."


Listening to your story, it feels like your encounter with TAKEFU was meant to be. When you felt ill, did you decide to use TAKEFU because of your friend's recommendation?


M: "No. Although I am a chiropractor, I didn't have specific knowledge about that. It just happened that TAKEFU was nearby. I thought I'd try sleeping with the towel blanket and shawl, and it worked wonders. Back then, I didn't own any TAKEFU wearable items yet."
























How did you use the shawl when you slept?


M: "I placed it around the neck and head area that the towel blanket couldn't cover."


Did you notice any changes within a day?

M: "Yes, I felt better just after one night. While wearable items are good too, when asked for a recommendation, I'd suggest the towel blanket because of my personal experience. Sleep takes up a significant portion of our day and is a daily occurrence, so I think it's very important. Many clients come to the chiropractic clinic in poor health, and I've received happy comments like, 'I feel so different than before!' after suggesting the towel blanket."


How you sleep can determine your condition for the next day, right? I bought the towel blanket when it was restocked, and now I sleep with it under my futon. But when I wake up, the futon is pushed to the side, and I'm wrapped only in the towel blanket (laughs). It seems we unconsciously choose what feels best. Currently, the towel blanket isn't for sale, but there are other bedding products available, like futon covers, sheets, and pillowcases. The wide bath towel is also quite large and can be used as bedding.

M: "I gifted the bedding fabric to my parents. The next morning, my father was surprised and said, 'It's warm.' My mother didn't necessarily feel the warmth, but she seemed to find it comfortable."

For you, M-san, is getting a good night's sleep the most important aspect of daily life?

M: "To live healthily and energetically, quality sleep is essential. That's why I sleep enveloped in TAKEFU. Given my love for TAKEFU, when friends visit and experience sleeping wrapped in it, they find it so comfortable that they joke about not wanting to leave, saying 'this is too good!' (laughs)."












What bedding products are you currently using?


M: "I use a flat sheet, a duvet cover, and depending on the occasion, the towel blanket. When I travel for work, I bring the W-size Sugashi-Nuno gauze shawl."

Do you own more 'wearable' items or 'drapable' items from TAKEFU?


M: "I also use underwear, T-shirts, and relax pants."


So, going back to our earlier discussion, did you move from Hokkaido to Tokyo to work at TAKEFU?


M: "Yes, that's right. President Soda shared his vision with me, emphasizing that it's not just about making products but infusing them with feelings and wanting people who understand that sentiment to be involved. I've always valued the same principles. When I worked as a nursing assistant, I felt something was amiss with the current state of medical care."





















You were a nurse, too!


M: "Yes, I worked in a hospital. Modern medical care often tends to treat symptoms rather than the root causes. For example, if someone comes in coughing, they're often just given cough medicine without addressing the underlying cause. But coughing can also be a response of the body trying to expel something harmful.


While people who come to the hospital want quick relief, this might help temporarily, but it doesn't resolve the root problem. Over time, some people find that the medicines don't work as effectively as they used to. In my chiropractic practice, besides massage, I would teach exercises, give advice on posture and daily habits. It's crucial to take care of one's own health, whether it's being mindful of everyday habits, doing exercises, or practicing self-care.


My primary wish is for people to spend their money on more fun things like having a delicious meal with friends and leading a happy, healthy life, rather than on chiropractic services. How they spend their money is up to them. Of course, I appreciate the earnings from my services (laughs), but I'm happier when everyone is healthy. It makes everyone around happy too."



It seems like there's a trend in today's age to overlook the root of issues and just get by. If everyone carried your sentiment, M-san, things might change. Were you always interested in the body, leading you to pursue chiropractic and nursing?


M: "I've always been intrigued by the idea that merely touching can transform a person's body. And also the concept of being by someone's side. Sometimes, when things are tough, just having someone nearby can be healing. It's written in the TAKEFU catalog, right? That very sentiment was what I wanted to bring to the medical field."





















It reminds me of President Soda's words, "A single piece of gauze that gently stays close to the wound, wishing solely for swift healing."

M: "Even when administering an IV drip, it's not just about inserting the needle. I'd gently caress the patient, saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm going to prick you now.' Or touch their shoulder, saying, 'Hang in there.' That's the essence of 'being there' for someone. Getting pricked by a needle is painful, but with that extra touch, the patient's feelings can change."

 So, your sentiments aligned with those of TAKEFU. M: "Absolutely. Unlike medications, when you wear TAKEFU, your body naturally works towards healing. Wearing TAKEFU, people feel relaxed and rejuvenated, and there's an improvement in blood circulation. Have you ever heard anyone say they felt worse after wearing TAKEFU?"


No, the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, and the advice we receive helps in improving the products. It's heartening to hear that our users actually feel the benefits of TAKEFU. It's a joy to know that TAKEFU is reaching those who need it. How about you, M-san? Do you consider yourself to be in good health?


M: "I believe I'm in good health now. As a child, my body temperature was always in the 35°C range. In my twenties, I suffered from headaches and other ailments. As I began working as a chiropractor, I learned about posture and how changes in it can lead to health improvements. As I practiced, my body temperature gradually increased to the 36°C range."


I had the same experience. My body temperature was consistently in the 35°C range, especially during my periods. But now, it's in the 36°C range. Working at TAKEFU and the change in my awareness might have contributed to that.


M: "Many people might not realize when their body is under stress. Perhaps having been involved in sports, my muscles somehow managed. I had a friend who overexerted during sports, leading to poor blood circulation. She said that wearing TAKEFU at home helped her body relax and recover."











































So, do you have any specific dietary habits or preferences?


M: "I'm a vegetarian, and it seems to suit my body well."

What led you to become a vegetarian?


M: "As a child, I always preferred tofu over fish or meat. I liked salty flavors and wasn't a fan of typical kid favorites like ketchup or sauce."

Must have been challenging during school lunches!


M: "Right? I wonder how I managed. I can't recall now, haha. When I cooked for myself, I flavored my croquettes enough so that I didn't need any sauce."

You liked simple flavors then.


M: "As I grew older, I found myself in more situations where I had to eat, and I gradually adapted. There was a time I barely ate candies. My friends would ask, 'Why don't you eat candies?' And I thought, 'Oh, isn't it normal not to?' But even then, my body temperature was low."

When did you realize that fish and meat weren't suitable for your body?


M: "I used to feel a heaviness in my stomach after eating them. The real turning point was when I started eating brown rice. I realized meat wasn't for me, and eventually, I stopped eating fish as well. I used to enjoy sushi like octopus and squid, but eventually, I could only eat the egg. Though, I didn't like the sweetened omelette in sushi! As I started consuming brown rice, my food preferences shifted, and I felt more at ease."


How long have you been a vegetarian?


M: "It's been about ten years since I became a vegetarian."

So your diet is primarily plant-based?

M: "Yes! But I don't look weak, do I?"

Not at all! You appear to be quite energetic. Everyone has their own dietary needs and preferences. Do you cook for yourself more often than eating out?


M: "Yes, because even broths in restaurants might have fish or meat. I'm vegetarian, but I believe it's best to eat everything joyfully. Which do you think is healthier: eating nutritious food in a filthy room or having fast food out in the open fields? Living rigidly, constantly worrying about health, isn't ideal. It's better to occasionally enjoy 'unhealthy' foods with friends and have a good time."

Who you eat with and where you eat can indeed change the taste of the same food. For instance, rice balls someone else makes for me always taste better than the ones I make myself, haha.


M: "I believe the cook's feelings and intentions also infuse into the dishes they prepare. There are many factors at play."
























So, do you have any favorite products from TAKEFU at the moment?


M: "I would have to say the bedding and the Seihugu gauze shawl have been particularly helpful for me."


Do you use TAKEFU bedding all year round?

M: "Yes. In winter, just a duvet with a TAKEFU cover keeps me perfectly warm. I once woke up due to the static electricity when using an acrylic blanket. In such cases, when I'm out, I wrap myself with the shawl."

So you don't feel cold without a blanket?

M: "Not at all, it's warm enough. The sheets are from TAKEFU. Depending on the season, I might use a towel blanket that was sold a while ago or a down duvet, but the duvet cover is always TAKEFU. Anything touching my skin is covered with TAKEFU. When I was in Hokkaido, there were times I'd wake up from the cold in the early mornings. But once I started using the TAKEFU towel blanket, I no longer woke up or felt cold. It was surprising!"

Since using TAKEFU bedding, have you faced any issues with sleep? M: "None at all. I feel like the quality of my sleep has improved."


Lastly, do you have any habits or practices you maintain for a pleasant lifestyle?


M: "Every morning, I make it a point to open my windows, move my body a little, take deep breaths, and soak in the morning sun."








The well-known phrase, "Be strict with oneself, and kind to others," often resonates with many. However, after listening to M-san's story, another expression springs to mind: "Be kind to oneself, and kind to others."


It's surprising but true that many might not genuinely practice self-kindness.


And this brings to light the significance of TAKEFU's products. They seem to represent that very essence of "being kind to oneself." In our fast-paced daily lives, TAKEFU offers a comforting solace, acting as a gentle companion.


It is our hope that TAKEFU can serve as an inspiration for people to truly attune to their own well-being.


1993年生まれ。ナファ生活研究所直営店 Shop of TAKEFU "eau" 勤務。 



Interviewer Tamanegi(Onion)
Born in 1993. works at the Shop of TAKEFU "eau".

Motto is "It won't kill me." Hobbies include watching stage performances and visiting shaved ice shops. Has a strong curiosity.  Favorite TAKEFU items are spats and the Soft Fit Haramaki.

'Bamboo Is The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Material'

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